How can CERN make our planet more sustainable?

Renewable energy, clean transportation, pollution control, climate monitoring, nature protection, green science... These are all goals to ensure a healthier and sustainable planet, able to support the needs of future generations.

Acknowledging global environmental challenges, CERN is taking steps to move from serendipity to a conscious effort to harness its unique skillset to help society’s efforts to preserve the planet.

Whether it is more energy efficient cooling systems or innovative sensors for monitoring pollution, algorithms allowing faster and more efficient computing or superconducting transmission lines minimising power losses, solutions supporting the raising hydrogen economy or the simulation of global scale phenomena, new disruptive technologies are emerging at CERN sowing the seeds for our ecological transition.

Four main sectors with high impact potential and strong synergies with CERN’s technical domains of expertise have been identified: renewable and low-carbon energy, clean transportation and future mobility, climate change and pollution control, sustainability and green science. Several flagship projects are under implementation in these areas, in collaboration with external partners and with the support of CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group.

In addition, in line with CERN’s main objectives for the period 2021-25, the Organization has endorsed the CERN Innovation Programme on Environmental Applications (CIPEA) in 2022.

In the frame of CIPEA, new ideas on how to address major environmental challenges through CERN technologies, know-how and facilities have been collected from experts, and the most promising concepts are now under implementation.

Explore the potential of CERN to support an effective and impactful ecological transition
from fundamental research to our everyday lives

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