
Rooted in society

From fraud protection to vaccine production, ROOT’s wide-ranging impact is revealed in a conversation with Axel Naumann as part of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series

Big Science Sweden helps drive industrial innovation together with the CERN Knowledge Transfer group

Big Science Sweden is developing a Knowledge Transfer Office within Big Science, and is establishing collaboration with the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group. In early November, CERN and Big Science Sweden hosted their first joint event

High Penetration Tests in SPS North Area

Intel’s new Myriad 2 chip underwent tests at the SPS accelerator to simulate conditions experienced in space

30 November, 2020

Knowledge Transfer for the Environment

In September 2020, CERN released its first public Environment Report and included three promising Knowledge Transfer projects with positive application for the environment.

Gaining perspective in Intellectual Property

Meet Dr Hélène Mainaud-Durand, Deputy Group Leader of the Survey, Mechatronics and Measurements Group, in this issue of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series