19 Sep/19
18:00 - 22:00 (Europe/Zurich)

EM-U #90: CERN Alumni Entrepreneurship Group launch event



at IdeaSquare

EM-U #90 is co-hosted with the CERN Alumni Entrepreneurship Group and is open for all current and past CERNies. 

Even before its official launch, the CERN Alumni Entrepreneurship Group has gotten over 80 members, the group is a place for all CERN alumni with an interest for entrepreneurship to meet and to source knowledge, contacts, inspiration, and help from each other. 

At the launch event, we share a light meal, hear a f**k-up story from an entrepreneur, crowdsource future events and get to know each other. 

To sign up for EM-U updates click here: People from CERN // People outside CERN. 

CERNie or former CERNie? Join the CERN Alumni Entrepreneurship Group

Photos and videos may be recorded at the meet-up and used in internal and external communication efforts by CERN. any questions or requests related to this may be directed to the host of this event.