
Terapet SA secures over CHF 2,3 million to bring its first product to market and to accelerate development of new nuclear imaging products

This funding supports the commercialization of Terapet’s first product, Qualγscan and the development of new nuclear imaging products.

17 February, 2023

Colliding particles not cars: CERN's machine learning could help self-driving cars

CERN and software company Zenseact wrap up a joint research project that could allow autonomous-driving cars to make faster decisions, thus helping avoid accidents

25 January, 2023

Combining quantum with high-energy physics

Quantum leap CERN QTI head Alberto Di Meglio speaking at the QT4HEP event, supported through CERN openlab and sponsored by Google, IBM and Intel

11 January, 2023

CERN and Airbus partnership on future clean aviation

CERN and Airbus UpNext sign a collaboration agreement to assess the use of superconducting technologies for future low-emission aeroplanes.

01 December, 2022