
Introducing CARA, CERN’s COVID Airborne Risk Assessment tool

CARA, CERN-made software modelling the concentration of viruses in enclosed spaces, will inform space-management decisions on the CERN sites

11 February, 2021

Open Source Initiative (OSI) endorses the CERN Open Hardware Licence

On 15 January 2021, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved, as OSI Certified, the CERN Open Hardware License 2.0, a family of licenses that governs the use, copying, modification and distribution of hardware designs.

01 February, 2021

The rise of the radiation protection robots

Meet Mario Di Castro, leader of the Mechatronics, Robotics and Operations section, in the last of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series

27 January, 2021

Materials that matter

We meet Jorge Guardia-Valenzuela, Project Associate in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering group, in this issue of our Knowledge Transfer spotlight series

12 January, 2021

Simulating the spread of COVID-19 with BioDynaMo

Based on CERN’s experience in large-scale computing, BioDynaMo, an open-source computer simulation software, is now available in the European Open Science Cloud to support fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.