28 Sep/23
18:00 - 19:00 (CET)

News from the Lab | CERN KT Quantum

CERN defined through the Quantum Technology Initiative (QTI) a roadmap and research programme in quantum technologies.

It establishes a dialogue between the high-energy physics and quantum-tech communities to find opportunities for mutually beneficial collaborations. Indeed, many of the extreme requirements faced by quantum technologies are shared with high-energy physics such as algorithms, precise timing, the need for superconducting materials, and more. In this context, CERN seeks to engage with industry and research institutes who wish to tap into CERN’s unique expertise for future innovations and knowledge-transfer partnerships.

In this talk, Benjamin Frisch from CERN’s Knowledge Transfer group will present CERN’s QTI, and discuss technologies of interest for both quantum-tech and particle physics.

About the Speaker

Benjamin Frisch is a deep tech enthusiast with over fifteen years of experience in contributing to cutting-edge technological developments.

He joined CERN’s KT Group in 2018, where he coordinates the transfer of CERN technologies towards applications in quantum technologies and healthcare, by fostering collaborations with industrial, academic and clinical partners.

Benjamin holds a PhD from the Technical University of Vienna, obtained for his work on positron emission tomography at CERN.

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