Job Opening - Postdoc position "Smart*Light Project" - Eindhoven University of Technology

Introduction to the Smart*Light Project

The Smart*Light Project is a compact Inverse Compton Source (ICS) Hard X-ray source which is currently under development at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

This compact ICS source will consist of an in-house built 100 keV DC photogun which will produce low emittance electron bunches to be injected into a novel 30 MeV X-band accelerating structure, designed specifically for the capture of 100 keV electrons. Completing this system is a state-of-the-art amplified femtosecond laser system and an interaction chamber for the generation of Hard X-rays. All parts have been built or purchased, and are ready for integration.

Job Description

We are looking for an experienced accelerator physicist who will take charge of the conditioning of the X-band accelerator structure, and the subsequent generation and characterisation of relativistic electron beams. Together with the rest of the TU/e Smart*Light team, the candidate will subsequently produce the first X-rays, which will be applied to cultural heritage studies, in close collaboration with material scientists of the international Smart*Light consortium.

Application deadline

The position is available immediately.

For more information please contact prof. Jom Luiten ( or dr. Peter Mutsaers (

Attachment Size
postdoc-x-band-accelerator-ics.pdf 38.45 KB