Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

Silicon pixel detectors enable helium-beam radiography | Medical Physics Web

(English) Silicon pixel detectors enable helium-beam radiography.

Isotopes for precision medicine | Medical Physics Web

(English) The CERN-MEDICIS facility has produced its first radioisotopes for medical research...

Precision medicine | CERN Courier

(English) CERN Knowledge Transfer activities within medical applications are featured in the CERN...

CERN hosts ESA for high-energy radiation experiments | European Space Agency

(English) An ESA-led group subjected components and space equipment to the most intense beam of...

Make a Public Lab spectrometer | The Economist

(English) The Economist is running a story about Public Lab and other open source, DIY science...

Cern-Médicis est entré en fonction | Pays de Gex

(France / French) Cern-Médicis est entré en fonction

CERN Now Makes Radioisotopes For Medical Research | Forbes

(English) Two Birds With One Proton Beam: CERN Now Makes Radioisotopes For Medical Research

CERN-MEDICIS produces first medical isotopes | Physics World

(English) The new CERN-MEDICIS facility in Geneva has produced its first radioactive isotopes for...

MEDICIS CERN, une installation médicale unique au monde pour début 2018 | Le Pays Gessien

(France / French) Le médical prend de l’ampleur au CERN. La preuve en est avec la nouvelle...